Friday, October 2, 2009

Post Office

I finally have a start date with the Post Office. I start training on October 19.

The day before going in to fill out my paperwork, I got a call from HR, saying that there was a problem with my application. There was some sort of mixup between them and the agency that did my drug test. It was noted on my application that I had either not shown up, or that I had refused to give all the samples required of me.

I called the agency up and asked what the problem was. They didn't know, and they told me they'd call me back. They didn't.

Then next morning, I had to leave early to get to Salt Lake to fill out the paperwork. I was already on the road at 8 am when I called up the Post Office HR to ask if my problem had been cleared up. It hadn't been, and they told me not to come in, that I could take another drug test later, and start at a later date. I told them I was already on my way, since I lived far away, and that I'd like to come in and hope that things get resolved. By the time I got there 45 minutes later, everything had been worked out.

In other news, we went on a hike/drive on Monday afternoon up Payson Canyon. I posted some pictures on my facebook account. The leaves were really pretty.

Jenn and I are going to conference tomorrow morning. It may be the last time that we live close enough to be able to attend.


Stephanie said...

But the post office will be in Payson, right? I'm glad that they figured out what they were doing over there. Good luck with the new job!

Wag-a-Muffin said...

If it can go wrong--it will go wrong. I hope everything is all cleared up and you're training goes without any mess ups.

Chase said...

Yeah, I'll be delivering out of the Payson Post Office. There were people there from Ogden, so I'm pretty sure most of the HR stuff is centralized in Salt Lake. I think some of my driver training is going to be in Draper.

Wag-a-Muffin said...

your training. YOUR TRAINING.

I think I was thinking "soon you're training without any mess ups."

(I wish we had editing capabilities.)