Saturday, September 25, 2010

Moving the bald guy down the screen

Nothing interesting has happened over the past 2 weeks, at least nothing that I should be writing about. My hair has grown back in a bit, and luckily, it all came back, at least everything I had before. So to get my bald pictures off the top of the screen, I'll fill you in on all the mundane things that are happening.

We started clinical work on Friday. I went out with one of our paramedic companies. We ran on 6 calls, and got to meet some interesting people. I had a good time. Some of the other cadets had much more interesting calls than I had. I'm going to be in a hospital ER on Tuesday, and 2 more days of Ambulances on Wednesday and Thursday.

I ran 5 miles today. Inspired by not wanting to lose to Brie (5 in 42 minutes), I ran them in 41:47. I think she beats me though because of the difference in altitude, but I bet she didn't suck a mosquito down her windpipe during mile 3. I finished my 1.5 mile run in 10:20, then continued running 3.5 miles at about a 9:00 mile pace. I've got the benefit of much longer legs, so Brie, I bow to your level of health.

I'm doing much better on pullups now, before and after my run I did a set of 12. 2 months ago I could only do 5 or maybe 6 in a row.

When I was fitted for my uniforms, the guy asked me what size belt I needed, I told him 38. He gave me a 40, I guess because I would be using the middle holes rather than the end ones of the 38. I've now shrunk to the point that the last notch of the 40 isn't quite tight enough, and have borrowed a 38 from a cadet that went down from a 38 to a 36. I figure I'm down about 3 inches, and I still have some more of that spare tire that needs to come off.

Fruit has been really cheap here lately. I just picked up a bunch of nectarines for 60 cents a pound, and some peaches for 35. Bananas have been 25 cents a pound here for a month. I'll probably freeze whatever peaches and nectarines I don't eat when they ripen.


Brie said...

I didn't run so well today. After running 1.5 miles in 13 minutes, I had to quit because I was already pooped. I probably could have pushed through it, but I was too lazy. And, I hope I never inhale a mosquito while running since I run on my treadmill in my house.

Jenn said...

You rock! You and Brie both put me to shame. That's pretty gross about the mosquito.