Thursday, October 14, 2010

Time Flies

I just spent the fastest week of my life with Jenn and Joelle. It was over way too soon.

I just got back from dropping them off at the airport, and shortly I'll be needing to get ready for work. It seems like just half an hour ago, I was in the cell phone waiting parking lot at the airport, listening to my new Guster CD, anxiously waiting for Jenn to call me, telling me she was ready. We got to do some fun things in the little free time I had, but it was really nice just to have someone to come home to, and someone to talk to.

I miss you already Jenn. If you weren't so awesome, maybe our week would have slowed down a bit.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I miss you too! I hated leaving. I guess it was a good thing it was a short goodbye with all the traffic because I would have been a big blubbering idiot all through the airport. I had a ton of fun and can't wait till we all get to stay permanently. Good luck on your test tomorrow!