Saturday, October 3, 2009

Baseball discussions with kids

Jennifer made me post this so she would have something to read at work tonight.

The Dodgers are playing the Rockies tonight, hopefully to clinch the NL West. Living in Utah, I don't get to watch a whole lot of Dodger games, usually only when they play the Rockies, because that's what comes in over FSN Rocky Mountains. It was nice to be able to catch a game that actually means something, and I was hoping that they wouldn't choke away another game tonight.

Anyways, since Jennifer is working tonight, I had all 4 kids watching the game with me. Whenever I'm watching any sports at all, the kids (mostly Cam) ask me who I want to win, and then decide to root for whatever team I want. Sometimes, when I'm watching a college football game between teams I don't care about, I'll try to see how they pick, the girls usually pick based on uniforms or mascots, and Cam picks whoever is winning (I hope that doesn't mean I'm raising a Yankee fan) I filled them in about the history of my sports fandom, and that the Dodgers are the only team I still like from my childhood. I haven't been able to stand the Lakers since Kobe came to town, and I hate the idea of liking anything that the retards who run Hollywood are into, but I digress.

Cam asked me who I wanted to win, the white team or the black team, and I said the white team. He asked who they were called, and I said they were the Dodgers, and to look at their hats and don't they look just like mine. He asked who the black team was, and I told them they were the Rockies. What a silly name. During a commercial break, they showed a promo that had one of the Rockies having a staredown with their mascot, who is a triceratops. Cam asked why the black team master (mascot) was a dinosaur and not a rock. I can only assume that if there is a connection that there have been dinosaur bones discovered somewhere in Colorado. He reminded me about going to the Bees games in Salt Lake, and I told him that I had been to the stadium that was on the TV, and that it is a nice place to watch a game. He then told me that he had never been to a baseball game, and that I needed to take him to one for a Daddy/Cam day, I reminded him that he had just told me that he remembered going to Bees games. Back to the game on the TV, one of the Dodger coaches got tossed for arguing balls and strikes. I told the kids what an umpire was for, and Cam asked why the Rockies' master umpire wasn't a rock. He then forgot who was playing and asked me for the team names again, and who was winning (still tied) Every time they threw a new pitch, he'd ask if someone was winning. I'll work on his baseball knowledge next year I guess, or maybe during the playoffs.

We bought a tee and some soft cover baseballs when we lived in Lehi. Cam is pretty coordinated hitting them with the bat off the tee. He's also pretty good at anticipating where balls that I throw are going to end up. I'm hoping that by the time he's 8, we can afford to let him play some baseball.


Wag-a-Muffin said...

Pretty funny stuff. If Cam develops into a stand up comedian nobody should be surprised.

(And the Colorado Rocks would be a good name for a team--but then, so would the Cleveland Rocks.)

Stephanie said...

I had to smile. Jake has had similar discussions with Caleb and Brendan. They always go for whoever is the winning team, too. And I have to agree with Cam, there are some mascots that don't make any sense. Even the Utes have a red-tailed hawk, I mean what's up with that? Ute is an American Indian tribe.