Monday, December 29, 2008

Chubby Bunny

Ceri and Mark were visiting us during Christmas, and brought with them some games that were fun to play. Chubby Bunny was not one of the funner ones. Basically, you shove as many large marshmallows in your mouth as you can without gagging, and you have to attempt to say "Chubby Bunny" after each one. Usually, after the 4th or 5th marshmallow, it starts to get muffled and unintelligible, but everyone assumes you're saying Chubby Bunny if it comes out with 4 syllables, but whatever.

I don't even like marshmallows, man.

Final Score:
Chase -10
Ceri -8
Jenn -4
Bailey -4
Addie -3
Cam -3


Wag-a-Muffin said...

Are you being stalked?
(Molly says you look like you're losing weight.) Are marshmallows a good diet food?

Ceri said...

where are the pictures of Jenn? you may want to go private.

Jenn said...

Uh, yeah, as your wife, I would like to know if you know who this person is that commented on your blog? Hey, creepy lady, this guy obviously has a family with kids. Go bug somebody else. Oh, and I'm sure the picture of me playing Chubby Bunny was not very flattering, so I'm ok with it not being posted : ). Happy New Year everybody!

J.F. said...

The stalker is just a spammer trying to get you to visit her website, I'm sure she is in violation of the TOS for Blogger. I'd just delete the post and then report her if she comes here again.

Looks like you guys had fun, I've always enjoyed sticking tons of marshmallows in my mouth and then try to talk.

Chase said...

I've started moderating comments. Don't be alarmed if your comment doesn't show up right away. I check this thing out often enough that there should never be that much of a delay.

Wag-a-Muffin said...

Well, I am sick. (Stuffy nose, sneezing, and my teeth hurt because of all the pressure on my head.)
So I am pretty sure we are NOT coming up for a while.

Stephanie said...

Hey Chase! I just happened upon your blog while enjoying Ceri's. It looks like you guys had a fun Christmas and visit with she and Mark. We enjoyed the Christmas pic and email that Jenn sent out. I'll have to email you an invite to our blog so we can all keep up with each other. Happy New Year!