Sunday, January 11, 2009


So, my last post dealt with one of the not so fun games that Mark and Ceri (or MarkCeri as Cam used to say) introduced to us.

Aggravation is one of the cool games they brought with them. We played it quite a bit, it's fast paced, so good for people with really short attention spans like us.

When they left, they took their gameboard with them. Jenn and I looked online for one, I guess Milton Bradley makes a really lame commercial version of it that we didn't want to buy. The homemade wood versions were going anywhere from 60-120 dollars... just for a board with holes drilled in it.

So I took it upon myself to make one. I bought some nice looking plywood, a 7/16" boring drillbit and a protractor. Ours is a 6 player board. It turned out OK, I've got to fill in some of the splinter marks with some putty.

I cut it by hand with a miter saw while it was clamped to one of our kitchen stools. Sure, it wasn't a big or even a difficult project, but I learned a few things. I liked making it, I like the smell of sawdust, and I need some power tools :)


J.F. said...

Excellent job, looks real good in the pictures.

Ceri said...

Good job, I am excited to play the 6 player version, maybe you could make Mark and me one too? That could be a graduation present or something hint hint. I think it looks great though! Do the kids like playing?

Wag-a-Muffin said...

I am impressed. (And I like the way wood smells too. They need to make an after shave, called "after shavings.")

Stephanie said...

"Impressive. Most impressive." I've never heard of that game before. We'll have to look for it. :)

Brie said...

It was fun to play on that board, even if I didn't win. :)

Wag-a-Muffin said...

I know what you guys should give people for Christmas next year. . .
(Except Ceri says Jenn's already bought all next Christmas's gifts.)

Jenn said...

Actually, we already talked about doing that for Christmas presents as well. Only the really special people will get one if Chase can pull it off. : )

J.F. said...

If you guys come down sometime this year, Chase can use my tools to cut out the boards. I might even help him.