Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I got back from Oregon last week where I passed the ORPAT (standardized fitness/obstacle course for Oregon police recruits). I then proceeded to bomb my interview. The interview experience was valuable I'm sure, but I wish I didn't have to have my first oral board in the town that I preferred to move to.

I passed the Oregon City written test, and I'm waiting to hear if I'm going to be invited for an interview. I asked the Corvallis PD to send my information to Roseburg, so I am waiting for an interview there as well.

Jenn and I got to talking about Idaho Falls for some reason, and I checked their website, and their fire department is hiring, or at least they're testing. I'm filling out an application for them.

Our house is pretty much sold. We're going to be moving out during the first week of April. We're kind of sad to leave, it's been a really nice place to live ever since the weirdo neighbors left. Also, with the few improvements we've made to the house, it's starting to look a lot nicer. All that's left to do is pack up and move our stuff into storage. I also need to go up and clean up the swamp cooler, and make sure it's in working order. That would be a lot easier if it would stop snowing already.

1 comment:

Wag-a-Muffin said...

We continue to pray daily for you.

I hope when you finally get to look at this whole thing from the other side, looking back, it is all worth it and understandable.

I hope you get the confirmation that where ever you end up, that is where you were supposed to be all the time.

That's the only thing that keeps me going during some trials.