Sunday, September 7, 2008

Regional Conference

Today, we had a multi stake conference which involved all the stakes of Utah and Wasatch Counties. President Uchtdorf, President Packer, Elder Jensen of the Seventy, and President Monson's daughter, Sister Dibb spoke to us. The main conference was held at the Marriot Center, and was broadcast to stake centers throughout the region. There were 135 stakes and 400,000 members invited from what I could remember. I usually pride myself on my memory, especially with numbers, but I have a hard time remembering anything beyond who spoke.

It's true that I just switched to working night shifts, and even without sleep deprivation, I have a hard time staying awake at church. It was so noisy at our stake center that I couldn't even sleep. I've heard quieter crowds at sporting events. No one would bother taking their noisy kids or crying babies out of the chapel. It wasn't just kids though, there weren't just frequent bursts of noise, there was a steady hum of conversation. I wish all the people that treat conferences like social gatherings would just stay at home.

I am proud of our kids though, they stayed pretty quiet throughout the 2 hour meeting, and only occasionally contributed to the steady stream of noise that overwhelmed the speaker system. Sometimes I think we have horrible little monsters, but they are generally very good kids. I'm glad they proved themselves today. They stayed quiet with the ruckus that was going on directly in front of and behind them. They didn't complain about wanting to go home until the final speaker.

One funny thing. Sister Dibb has the same speaking style as President Monson. It's almost like she was doing an impression, her camera presence was a spot on knock off if that's what she was going for. I don't really remember much about her talk except for hot rolls and peach jam because of the aforementioned noise in the chapel.

Since speakers usually tell their jokes a little louder than their actual talks, we did share a few chuckles with the speakers. Sadly, that's about all we got out of it.


Wag-a-Muffin said...

I also think you have excellent children.
(And I think Jenn may have a bit to do with that, too.)

Rach said...

I also wondered if Sister Dibb was trying to appear just like her dad. Probably she's just like that.