Thursday, November 5, 2009

Eat at Nic's

We watched an episode of Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives during one of our visits to California. One of the restaurants was in Oklahoma City, a little burger shack that might be able to squeeze 15 people inside. It looked really good. I was hoping to get to go during one of my trips. The last time I went to Oklahoma City, I was just getting over strep throat and a greasy burger wasn't sounding too appetizing.

I did my physical agility test today. When I was done, I drove straight over to Nic's. It was around 11:30 when I showed up, and there were people waiting in line outside to get in.

It didn't take long to get in, and I asked for the fried chicken special. They were out. There were a few people inside that were eating it, I must have just missed it. I got a cheeseburger instead.

There were just 2 guys behind the counter. One cooking, and one taking orders, bussing tables, and refilling drinks. I learned the hard way that if you order bacon on your burger, you've got to tell the guy making the burger as well as the one taking the order. The bacon looked so good, but since they were so busy trying to keep up, I didn't want to bug them to get my order right. I'm way too polite sometimes, I'm sure it wouldn't have been that big of a deal. I've been kicking myself all day now, thinking about 2 strips of thick bacon that I left sitting on the grill.


Brie said...

That sure beats the canned soup I had tonight. I'm glad you were able to make it there.

Wag-a-Muffin said...

So, how did it taste?
(And how did the agility test go?)
And why am I so hungry and craving a burger and fries and wishing I could smell the bacon on the grill when it's 6:50 in the morning?

Chase said...

Yeah, I kind of forgot to review the burger.

It was one of the best burgers I've ever had, even without the bacon. The lettuce, tomatos and pickles were super cold, but not frozen. The meat was hot, thick and juicy. The onions tasted amazing. The whole place smelled great.

I'm definitely going back in 2 weeks when I go for my interview.

I passed the test without any problems, I finished with 2 minutes to spare and I wasn't really trying to go fast.

J.F. said...

I'm so jealous! I'm glad you did well on your test.

Ceri said...

That does look so yummy, I am sure it wouldn't work for my diet, but it looks mighty tasty :)

Chase said...

It was very tasty, but yeah, I doubt that even the test I took burned off enough calories to justify eating it.

I should also mention that the night before I went to a BBQ place and had a brisket/hot link sandwich. It was also very good. Supposedly, Elvis had a personal BBQ chef that toured with him. When he died, his family collected his BBQ recipes and opened up this restaurant.

Oklahoma City has quite a few good places to eat. I would need to exercise a lot to make sure I didn't balloon up to 300 pounds.

Wag-a-Muffin said...

Dad says we're rooting for you to get the Oklahoma job just so we can visit and eat at Nic's.