Monday, November 16, 2009


I am now back in Oklahoma City for my interview tomorrow. I got in this afternoon and sat around the airport for a little over an hour because I didn't want to have my rental car for more than 48 hours. I didn't eat anything all day, not really by choice but by necessity. I slept as late as I could this morning, and only made it to the airport about 45 minutes before my flight took off. Since I knew in advance that I was going to be hanging around the OKC airport for a few hours, I didn't buy any food at my stop in Denver either.

The plane I flew to OKC in was a little tiny dual propeller plane. They didn't have room for carry-on luggage in the cabin, and they asked us to check larger bags at the gate. Normally when you gate check your bags, you get them immediately upon de-boarding the plane. Instead, they sent them all to a carousel, which meant that I had to leave the terminal where all the restaurants are, and wait for my car outside at the baggage claim. I wasn't too happy about that.

Anyways, I got my car, and finally left to go get something to eat. I stopped at the same BBQ place that I had eaten at last time, hoping to try something else on the menu. It turns out they were having their Monday Night Buffet. All the ribs, brisket, pork, beans, potato salad, coleslaw, hotlinks, and soda I could eat/drink. It was awesome. I went a little overboard with the brisket and pork before I realized that there was fresh apple cobbler and peach cobbler for dessert. I painstakingly cleaned my plate of the BBQ, and got a small serving of each cobbler. I figured that since I was already stuffed, I wouldn't be too impressed with the cobblers. I was wrong, they were awesome and I wish I would have eaten a lot less meat and a lot more cobbler. I'm in my hotel room right now wondering if I'll ever want to eat again. Boy there are some good restaurants out here.

After my interview tomorrow, I'll be driving to San Antonio in my Chevy Cobalt rental for a CPAT orientation on Wednesday. It's a 7 hour drive. When that is over, I'll immediately get back in the car to drive back to the OKC airport and hope I make my 7:30 pm flight.

The food makes the hectic schedule worth it. Totally.


Wag-a-Muffin said...

This reminds me of the 3 Dog Night song with the lyrics, "Well, I've never been to heaven, but I've been to Oklahoma."

Best of luck, Chase!

J.F. said...

So, how did everything go?