Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How it went

I'm in the Denver airport right now waiting another hour for my plane to Salt Lake.

The Oklahoma City interview went ok I guess. There was a pretty strict time limit on the panels, and I forgot to mention a few important things, like that I'm fluent in Spanish. I also may have said a thing or 2 that I'll probably regret when final scoring comes out, it really depends on what mood the panel was in when I was with them. Some of my hardest worked for goals have to do with running track, and since I ran at BYU and they happened to ruin the Sooners' season this year, I couldn't not mention it. I think it went over well, but you never know. They're not even sure they're going to have positions approved for next year, but as soon as they know they'll notify who is continuing on with the process. I think there were about 80 people total that were interviewed, and I heard they only want to hire 10. I'm not sure my chances are very good, but it would be an amazing place to live if it works out.

San Antonio looks pretty promising after showing up for the orientation. As long as I don't fail during the process, I should get offered a job for the June academy, if I don't already have a job before then. They made it sound like scoring high enough on the test was the hard part of the process. Their academy looks fairly intense as well, it would probably be fun.

Oh, the bacon on the burgers at Nic's is amazing. I hope I didn't go there for the last time.

1 comment:

Wag-a-Muffin said...

Best of luck. Forgive yourself for not mentioning the Spanish, but remember it for your next interview.

And who knows, maybe you wowed em.