Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday Afternoon Session

Jenn's dad had a few unclaimed tickets for today's afternoon session. Rather than let them go to waste, I took Bailey up there so she could go to a session once without the distractions of her brother and sisters.

We got there about 45 minutes early, found a seat, and waited.

It was nice to not be pressed for time, we weren't hurried, and we took in what was happening around us. About 20 minutes before the session started, it was announced to everyone that there was no picture taking or recording allowed. Immediately, flash bulbs started going off all over the center, and Bailey asked why people continued to take pictures even after we were asked not to. I told her that a lot of people don't think that the rules apply to them, and that I hope she never turns out that way.

The session started with such an amazing choir performance, "O Divine Redeemer" that I had tears welling up in my eyes. It is amazing how well the Tabernacle Choir sounds in person, and when everyone around you is quietly listening with you. It really brought the spirit into the conference center.

I loved all of the talks, and to be honest, it was the first time in a very long time that I felt like I got something out of church attendance. It was nice to not have to deal with hyper and/or noisy children.

At the end of the meeting, there was still a large number of people heading for the exit during the final hymn. This time, I just felt sad for them. I didn't want the session to end, and here people were climbing over each other to get away from feeling the spirit. Bailey asked why people left, and I told her that some people apparently don't respect our church leaders. I told her that it showed disrespect towards Heavenly Father and Jesus, and the prophet and apostles. I asked if saving a few minutes in traffic was worth the disrespect shown, and she was smart enough to say no.

We took our time walking back to the parking lot, looked at the cool art exhibit they had, and took the long way around the conference center to look at the trees lining the building exterior. When we got to the car and waiting for 5 stories of parking lot structure to start moving beneath us, she told me that she was glad she came. I'm glad she did too.

If you've never attended a session of conference before, it's a good idea to try to make it at least once, if anything just to listen to the choir in person. If you go when it's raining outside, there aren't many antis outside showing you posters and yelling at you that you're going to hell. I guess our souls aren't worth saving if it's wet out.

1 comment:

Wag-a-Muffin said...

I'm glad you and Bailey were able to go together. I thought it was an especially good session.

When I heard the organ play the opening notes I was disappointed. I heard that song mangled too many times in my youth from ward choirs. But it gave me goosebumps when the Tabernacle Choir sang it. Yesterday my opinion changed.

Thank you for sharing your experience with us.