Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Almost Home

I'm finally flying back to Utah tomorrow. I'm stopping in downtown San Antonio to buy a giant cinnamon roll (bigger than my head), and driving back to Houston to fly home. It's a 3 hour drive, with hurricane evacuation lanes the whole way (it's just the shoulder, you're not allowed to drive on it unless there is a hurricane, it was still a little creepy seeing the signs though, just like the tsunami signs on the Oregon Coast.)

While I was in San Antonio, I met Grant, Sam and Kyliena for lunch at The Salt Lick outside of Austin. It was really really good. If I end up getting the job here, anyone helping us move will be treated to lunch there. The brisket was good, and the ribs were awesome. The cole slaw wasn't slathered in ranch dressing or miracle whip, it was dressed with vinegar, sesame seeds, and a little salt. Kyliena has really pretty light blue eyes, and when she occasionally got over her shyness she was a neat little kid (eating onions, offering me all her leftovers, and dropping all of Grant's straws on the ground). Sam was very nice to let us eat at an all you can eat BBQ place even though she isn't a huge fan of large quantities of beef. If you guys are reading this, thanks for making the drive down, it was awesome to see you.

I passed the San Antonio CPAT this morning. I took a Behavioral Analysis test this afternoon, got fingerprinted, and got started on my background paperwork. Their academy starts on June 14. Once my paperwork gets in, it'll take a few weeks to do my background, and I should have a conditional offer about a month later. Since I ranked so high, I'm guaranteed a spot in the June academy as long as I get the conditional offer. I'm pretty excited that 5 months from now I should have a few offers on the table.


Wag-a-Muffin said...

Good luck! (And thanks for the information. I like hearing what's going on.) But I am wondering about the new flight regulations on food. I thought you couldn't bring any food item on the plane. I sure hope they don't make you eat the whole cinnamon roll before you get on.

Stephanie said...

That's exciting! And sounds like a nice lunch. :) You'll have to take a picture of that cinnamon roll bigger than your head!

Chase said...

The baggage screeners took a special look into my bag because of the cinnamon roll. All they did was comment that it was the biggest one they'd ever seen and if I was going to eat it all myself.

It should make it home with me unless I get really hungry on the flight.

J.F. said...

It sounds like you should know something by the end of March. That's great. It's always good to have a few irons in the fire, nice to have choices.

Good Job!

Wag-a-Muffin said...

Tell us--how was the cinnamon roll?????

Chase said...

It was pretty good, even for being a day old by the time we got around to eating it.

Jenn took some pictures of it before we ate it. Maybe she'll blog about our monstrous cinnamon roll.

I think it would have been way better fresh.