Monday, January 4, 2010


I stopped feeling the effects of strep after the 4th day of taking my antibiotics. I signed up for a 14 day free trial gym membership at 24 hour fitness in Provo on the 29th. I've been trying to push myself to make sure that I'm not on the edge of failing my CPATs when I go to Texas this month. The San Antonio test should be pretty easy, it's the same test I took in Oklahoma, but the Houston test includes a mile and a half run in under 13 minutes.

14 years ago that would have been a joke of a test, but now it's slightly more imposing, especially after being laid up for a week with strep. I pushed myself through a lot of cardio last week hoping to get ready, and it wasn't looking too promising. I kept getting tired on the treadmill, and I couldn't run for long periods of time even at slower jogging paces. Instead of running slow and steady, I'd pump up the speed for a quarter or half mile, and then walk for a few minutes.

Today the weather outside is sunny and cold. The roads are pretty clear in the center, but the sidewalks and curbs are all iced over. I decided to go for a run outside to see where I was. I did a mile in 7:50 which would have left me over 5 minutes to run another half mile. I wasn't really that tired either, and probably would have kept up the pace to the finish. I stopped because my thumbs were freezing and my nose was running.

I'm confident that I'll have no problems completing the test now. The weather in Houston is supposed to be in the 50s next week, and moving down to sea level from mile high conditions can't hurt either.

I'm feeling better about my employment situation right now. I'm hoping that quitting a part time job won't push me out of consideration for some of the fire jobs I've applied for, and I don't think it will.

1 comment:

J.F. said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better. I don't think quitting your part time PO job should affect you as long as you explain the situation if it comes up.